Monday, January 12, 2015

Tiban Mosque in Indonesia, believed to be built by Jinn

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source (jatimpost)

The story of the construction of the temple in one night like the story of Prambanan, Indonesia re-occurred in modern times. Exactly 40 kilometers from the city of Malang, Village Sananrejo, Turen, Malang, Indonesia.

A mosque is not known to exist before suddenly been completed. The mosque is believed by the people around assisted or even done by a group of supernatural beings or jinn. It is said that the surrounding communities also never know its construction activity.

(Part of the front door)

Of course this is a strange place in the village Sananrejo identical when the nature of the "mutual help" him. Usually the construction of houses, public facilities, and the like involving the local population. This time let alone the construction of this mosque involve citizens in its development. Some people do not even know where the mood to build a mosque.

(Part dome or roof Mosque)

Therefore, the people around then call as Tiban Mosque, the mosque meaning that appear magically, suddenly and nuanced magic. Even believed to be built in one night.

(View from the front of the Mosque)

This story even spread to other regions and invite visitors to come in droves to Tiban Mosque. They want to make their own story full of mystery adorn the mosque's construction.
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