Thursday, January 1, 2015

DVI Team : 1 The body Victims AirAsia is Hayati Lutfiah Hamid

Detik-detik Jenazah Korban AirAsia Tiba di Surabaya
The arrival of the bodies of the victims of AirAsia plane QZ8501 greeted troops and the Governor of East Java, Soekarwo in the Navy air base Juanda, Wednesday (12/31/2014). ( Tallo)

Surabaya - Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Team East Java Police announced the results of the identification of the two bodies of victims of the crash AirAsia QZ8501. As a result, one of the two passengers were known as female passenger on behalf of Hayati Lutfiah Hamid.

"The body of the label B001 has been identified in accordance with the manifest on behalf of Hayati Lutfiah Hamid, passenger AirAsia," said Head DVI Team East Java Police Commissioner Pol Budiyono in a press conference in Bhayangkara Hospital Surabaya, East Java, on Thursday (01/01/2015).

This conclusion was drawn based on the results of identification using two methods, primary and secondary. Primary identification by fingerprint bodies with antemortem inspection results.

Then, he continued, the secondary identification on Hayati victim also generate the appropriate data.

"We managed to equalize the data antemortem and postmortem of their former section operation. Antemortem information of the family is the same," he added.

Then also found identity cards and jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets inscribed with the initials of the name of the victim. It has also been acknowledged by the family.

"ID cards are still installed on the victim's body in the form of ID that is written on behalf of Hayati Luthfiah, then from there jewelry necklace with initials concerned and bracelet recognized the victim's family. On the basis of primary and secondary, to make sure the team is Hayati Lutfiah victims," Budiyono said.

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