Thursday, December 18, 2014

Up Bike Nude, Without Helmet Police ticketed

New Zealand - A man wearing a cycling without any, was arrested by the New Zealand Police. Interestingly, he was arrested not because of nudity, but for not wearing a bicycle helmet.

Tuesday (16/12), 33-year-old man unnamed police stopped highway in Timaru, in the port city of Canterbury and Dunedin on Sunday. Just like in Australia, New Zealand cyclists must wear a helmet. Cyclists were stopped an officer for not wearing a helmet, riding a bicycle when he drunk and naked.

Police Sergeant Randel Tikitiki said, the perpetrator was not fined for cycling naked. While the New Zealand Transport Agency said there was no penalty for people who bike while drunk and naked. "But, if he causing interference with other riders and cause an accident, maybe he could be fined. There is a maximum fine of 3.000 New Zealand dollars, "said a spokeswoman for the agency.

Source: Metro
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