Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Remember, shortly Toyota car prices rise

Jakarta - Opened in 2015, the car manufacturer Toyota will raise the price of the car in Indonesia. The decision is based on various factors, but the amount of increase varies for each model.

Marketing Director of PT Toyota-Astra Motor Rahmat Samulo explained, some of the factors underlying the price increase, among others, the increase in the vehicle registration fee rates, inflation, energy costs, transportation, as well as the exchange rate against the dollar. However, he said, Toyota always consider the purchasing power of the adjusted price.

As a result, the time to hoist the price is adjusted to the right time for the people, and not necessarily at the beginning of the year. "For us there is a bit of an adjustment at the beginning of this year, and the amount varies for each model," said Samulo to detikOto via short message, yesterday ..

He added, Toyota raise the price at the beginning of this year, due to the increase in registration fees from the local government as well as the rate of inflation. That is, the price increases to adjust the registration fee rates are also rising and

"And we always consider the purchasing power of people and usually we do it gradually," he said.

Source: detikOto
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