Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wikileaks Vault 7: Google has also corrected almost all the flaws of the CIA

Vault 7 revealed that the CIA has been spying on Android smartphones, iPhone and Samsung smartphones for several years now using zero-day flaws. While yesterday, Apple promised to have corrected most of the vulnerabilities exploited by the agency, Google makes a similar announcement today.

Vault 7: for CIA exploited flaws already corrected

At the beginning of the week Wikileaks let go a real bomb with Vault 7 . The activists of the organization of Julien Assange unveiled more than 8000 documents leaving no doubt that the CIA was spying on Android, iOS and Samsung users for several years.

Following this scandal, Apple quickly reacted , claiming to have corrected the majority of the faults exploited by the Central Intelligence Agency. Soon after, Google made a similar announcement. Information and Privacy Manager, Heather Adkins, said most of the flaws in the Wikileaks documents had already been corrected in recent years.

"After analyzing the various documents, we are confident about the updates already deployed within Chrome and Android. These already protect users from these alleged vulnerabilities. Our analysis is still in progress and we will implement any other protection that we deem necessary. We have always made safety our top priority and will continue to invest in protecting the user. "

Just like Apple, Google does not claim to have corrected all the flaws but the majority. As Vault 7 documents are still being reviewed, they can be relied on in the event that other vulnerabilities requiring correction are highlighted.

As usual, users running the latest versions of the OS remain the best protected but knowing that currently , Android 7.0 Nougat is present only on 2.8% of terminals and that Lollipop which dates Of 2014 is present on almost a third of the terminals in circulation, can we really consider ourselves protected?

Image by Flickr
Source: phonandroid
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