Thursday, March 23, 2017

Skoda released the first teaser of the electric concept car Vision E /

Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic) on 24 March. The company Skoda Auto preparing for revolutionary change - soon to the public will be presented the prototype of the electric concept car Vision E.

It is expected that the car will already be shown in avosalone in Shanghai less than a month, but for now the Internet and specialized media there is a debate that it represents a new model. / the ŠKODA the Crystal the Design

It is believed that in the future based on the Vision E will be developed electrified model of Skoda, so experts are inclined to believe that the new product is built on the platform of MEB.

Czech carmaker on the occasion of the upcoming motor show and the premiere of the new model released a special short movie, which demonstrated the details of car, however, what is called in the "full-length" the car never showed.

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