Friday, March 24, 2017

Google lists good students of Android security

Not surprisingly, a lot of pixels and nexus

Google has just published a 71-page report on how its mobile platform faced security issues last year. Android is no stranger to great fears from this point of view - only at the beginning of the year, the alarm bell was fired twice - but overall not too bad.

Humming Whale , TrojanDownloader.Agent.JI , Dirty Cow... not a month goes by without a feat , malware or Trojan affecting Android makes the headlines. In its annual report on the security of Android , Google delivers some details on this ruthless fight against security breaches.

Analysis of more than 1.4 billion appliances points out that in 2016 only 0.05% of apps downloaded from the Play Store contained potentially dangerous code, compared to 0.15% in 2015. The rate of This kind of app dropped almost everywhere in the world. The "Verify Apps"

Monthly updates always snubbed

But even more crucial than these a posteriori protections , the monthly security patches played a vital role in the security of the platform. In total, nearly 655 more or less severe vulnerabilities have been clogged with this system. An increase of 275% over last year. Unfortunately, not all builders are playing in the same yard when it comes to deploying these critical updates. In December 2016, for example, few devices could boast of turning with at least the patches dating from October 2016. These include: Google Pixel and Pixel XL , Motorola Moto Z Droid, Oppo A33W, the Nexus  5 , 6P , 5X and 6 , the OnePlus 3 , the family of Samsung Galaxy S7 , the Asus Zenfone 3 , the bq Aquarius M5 , the Vivo V3Max, the V20 LGE and Sony Xperia X Compact .

Finding the Nexus and Pixel in this list is not exactly a surprise; On the other hand, the fact that no BlackBerry mobile is there is more embarrassing, since the manufacturer had made the security of its system a selling point. Of course, a flawless system is utopian, but taking the necessary steps to protect its users is already an important commitment. The Samsung Galaxy S7 family , the Asus Zenfone 3 , the Aquarius M5 bq , the Vivo V3Max, the LGE V20 and the Sony Xperia X Compact . Finding the Nexus and Pixel in this list is not exactly a surprise; On the other hand, the fact that no BlackBerry mobile is there is more embarrassing, since the manufacturer had made the security of its system a selling point. Of course, a flawless system is utopian, but taking the necessary steps to protect its users is already an important commitment. The Samsung Galaxy S7 family , the Asus Zenfone 3 , the Aquarius M5 bq , the Vivo V3Max, the LGE V20 and the Sony Xperia X Compact .

Finding the Nexus and Pixel in this list is not exactly a surprise; On the other hand, the fact that no BlackBerry mobile is there is more embarrassing, since the manufacturer had made the security of its system a selling point. Of course, a flawless system is utopian, but taking the necessary steps to protect its users is already an important commitment. The LGE V20 and the Sony Xperia X Compact . Finding the Nexus and Pixel in this list is not exactly a surprise; On the other hand, the fact that no BlackBerry mobile is there is more embarrassing, since the manufacturer had made the security of its system a selling point. Of course, a flawless system is utopian, but taking the necessary steps to protect its users is already an important commitment. The LGE V20 and the Sony Xperia X Compact . Finding the Nexus and Pixel in this list is not exactly a surprise; On the other hand, the fact that no BlackBerry mobile is there is more embarrassing, since the manufacturer had made the security of its system a selling point. Of course, a flawless system is utopian, but taking the necessary steps to protect its users is already an important commitment. Since the manufacturer had made the security of its system a selling point. Of course, a flawless system is utopian, but taking the necessary steps to protect its users is already an important commitment. Since the manufacturer had made the security of its system a selling point. Of course, a flawless system is utopian, but taking the necessary steps to protect its users is already an important commitment.

Source: Android Security 2016 Year in Review
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