Thursday, March 16, 2017

Another blow to US President Trump!

Populism is a double blow ... The same day, Dutch racist leader Geert Wilders was not expecting the elections the same day, while US President Donald Trump's second travel ban against Muslims caught the judging barrier.

In the US state of Hawaii, a federal judge has blocked the time for Trump to enter into a ban on travel to six countries with large numbers of Muslims.

Derrick K. Watson, a federal judge in Honolulu, noted the government's "openness" to the argument that the ban was a national security concern.

The canceled presidential decree brought 90 Iranian, Libyan, Somali, Syrian, Sudanese and Yemeni citizens and 120 days for asylum seekers to the United States.

While Trump advocates that this move will prevent terrorists from entering the US, critics say the decision is discriminatory.


Speaking at a rally in Tennessee's capital, Nashville, Trump said the Hawaii court's decision "shows the US powerless." "We will win," Trump said, including the Supreme Court.

After a cancellation of the first decision by the Seattle court, Trump made a similar statement and appealed to the Court of Appeal. But the US President could not find it in the upper court.

The first decision announced on January 27th was forbidden for Iraq as well as the countries mentioned above. On top of this, anti-Trump protests were held in many countries of the world, especially in the United States. Ultimately, the decree was canceled by Federal Judge James Robart on the grounds that it was "contrary to the Constitution."

Trump described Judge Robart's decision as "ridiculous" and promised to bring restrictions back. In his series of tweets after the verdict, Trump argued that the appellate applicant would succeed if he used the "so-called judge" statement for Robart: "This so-called judge is basically a ridiculous, absurd and reversed judge who removes legal practice from our country."

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