Saturday, November 26, 2016

These super cute illustrations explore a world where seals drink cocktails

It’s pretty chilly right now, so we’re struck with a sudden need to get hygge in cosy blankets, drink mulled wine, and sit by the fireplace. We’re also suddenly daydreaming about snow, sleighs, and visiting the North Pole. Blame all the incoming festivity. We can’t quite justify packing our bags and living on the ice just to satisfy our Christmassy urges, mind you, so instead we’re settling for immersing ourselves in the world created by illustrator Yeji Yun. Yeji Yun’s On The Rocks is a super cute ‘zine themed entirely around ice and alcohol. In the world she’s created, drinks are delivered by reindeer, narwhals enjoy a nice martini, and walruses have their own mini bars. ‘The story begins with a whale,’ Yeji told ‘In South Korea, a drunkard is often called a 술고래, which means “alcohol whale”. ‘Through the story, Inuits hunt ices from the deep blue sea and they serve cocktails for their animal friends. Each animal obtains a drink specialized for them. ‘The story ends with Yeti in the glacier, who’s drinking 100-year-old whiskey.’ See? The whole thing is delightfully weird, and yet we now desperately want to make a cocktail for a penguin. It’s magical. Yeji told us that she was inspired to draw On The Rocks after spending time in bars and observing how bartenders make cocktails with different shapes of ice in different glasses. She’s always been interested in ‘frozen land and its inhabitants’, too, so combining the two subjects in one ‘zine just made sense. The illustrations also link together themes of loneliness and isolation – but in a strange, sweet way. ‘I thought a served drink on a bar has a similar atmosphere like an iceberg floating in the cold dark sea, which contains some kind of solitude,’ says Yeji. ‘In a cold barren land where you can only see the sea, ice, and darkness, and when its inhabitants have to endure such a long solitude, I thought they need a drink to heal their soul.’ Fair enough. Yeji’s favourite characters are the square faced bartender, – ‘I like how his face is fluorescent red’ – the narwhals, and Yeti, who Yeji describes as her ‘alter ego’. If you’d like to buy your own copy of On The Rocks, it’s available through Yeji’s website. | Metro News
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