Saturday, November 26, 2016

Police chief calls out own officer for crappy parking skills

A chief constable has criticised the way one of his police officers parked a van in Boreham. Stephen Kavanagh, who works for Essex Police, tweeted a photo of the squad van and said he expected a higher standard from his force. He must have thought he was on to a winner with the criticism by showing there were no special considerations for officers but some Twitter users disagreed and felt he should have been dealing with more urgent matters. ‘Multiple stations closing, staff cut-backs in Essex and you’re concentrating on parking? This is unbelievable,’ wrote one person. Another added: ‘If this is what fills your day, boss, I’m really worried about your priorities.’ But the chief constable disagreed and replied: ‘It doesn’t fill my day. Apologising to the public when we get it wrong is part of policing.’ Essex Police backed him up and said they actually expected their officers to be better drivers than everyone else. ‘We expect anyone driving a police vehicle to be beyond reproach and show extra special consideration and courtesy to pedestrians and other cars when parking,’ a spokesman added. ‘The member of police staff who parked inconsiderately in Boreham has been spoken to and reminded of the need to uphold a higher standard in future.’ | Metro News
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