Saturday, August 1, 2015

Want So Tom Cruise In 2 Minutes? Can!

Pengen Jadi Tom Cruise Dalam Waktu 2 Menit? Bisa!
(photo: Popsugar)

Who does not envy the same Tom Cruise, is old so, but still cool and okay.

Maybe some of you do not believe that the life of Tom Cruise this year at 53 years. By age already more than half a century, the actor is still fit and able to play optimally in action movies.

Most recently, Tom Cruise back Hunt acted as agent in the film 'Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation', and even his own doing dangerous scenes without the help of a stuntman.

If you ever imagined how so Tom Cruise, and the kind that should be done, there is a cool video that you can watch it. This two-minute video combines cool scenes in several movies Cruise along with attitudes that can guide the boys instance.

Curious? Let's watch the video, and within two minutes, you are going to be Tom Cruise.

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