Monday, July 27, 2015

Second Generation Flying Car Ready to be Released

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TF-X (Photo: Google)

If the first flying car is just imagination and delusion, it seems that the modern flying car will soon be realized.

After a company from Slovakia, AeroMobil plans to release the flying car in 2017. Now turn Terrafugia claims that they are a step closer to making flying cars become a reality technology, the company introduced the latest design, called TF-X. Tebaru draft shows that TF-X can be used in the air or on the ground as a plane or a car without having to make trouble.

TF-X has dimensions like cars in general so that it can be included into the garage of the house and does not require a unique vehicle to be able to fly runway (runway could use the roads in general). This car with a capacity of 4 passengers.

This concept vehicle from Terrafugia plans to use the 300hp engine and can run up to 200 mph (322 km/h), but unfortunately the company is still not sure when this type of car will begin to be produced and marketed.

Well, we look forward to just whether it actually becomes a reality or not.

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