Thursday, July 2, 2015

Paralyzed man in a wheelchair reckless robbing banks

Foto dari rekaman kamera CCTV memperlihatkan seorang pria berkursi roda setelah dirinya merampok bank di New York, AS. Mirror / DCPI
Photos from CCTV camera footage showed a man in a wheelchair after he robbed the bank in New York, USA. Mirror/DCPI

New York: A man climbing wheelchair escape from a bank after looting cash amounting to USD1000.

CCTV cameras recorded the perpetrators after robbing a bank in Santander, New York.

The man, who wore a hooded jacket in gray, moving to the counter and handed a paper with a message to the cashier.

From recording, he was not seen carrying a weapon. The contents of the message in the paper is not visible. But clearly, he managed to steal cash using a wheelchair.

The bank's customers were surprised at this unusual robbery.

"Now you really can not trust anyone," said Helen Karagiorgos, a local resident, told the New York Daily Times, quoted by, recently.

"If he was not defective, then he took advantage of them really flawed. It can not be justified," he continued.

While other residents, Matthew Basner, added: "If the man can escape easily, the bank should hire better security."

Not yet known whether the New York police had arrested the perpetrator. (
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