Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Malaysia appeals court rejected an appeal death sentence Indonesian citizens

Pengadilan Banding Malaysia Menolak Banding Hukuman Mati WNI
La Ode Ardi Rasila (Photo: NORMAN HIU / Thesun)

Malaysia appeals court confirmed the death sentence against Indonesian citizens, La Ode Ardi Rasila (38 years old), who was charged with killing an employee AmBank Norazita Abu Talib in 2013 ago.

The three-judge panel of the Court of Appeal chaired by Judge Datuk Aziah Ali in his decision rejecting the appeal filed La Ode on the death sentence imposed on the Shah Alam High Court On August 14, 201 ago.

Quoted from several local media in Kuala Lumpur, Azirah said, the court found there is sufficient information to support the decision of the High Court that La Ode guilty. "True charges. The indictment and the death penalty conserved, "he said.

The court also confirmed the indictment and the death penalty for the second charge that is fired when the bank robbery with the intention of causing death Norazita.

On August 14, 2014, the Shah Alam High Court awarded death sentences against La Ode after he was found guilty on two charges does AmBank branches in Subang Jaya, between 18:00 and 18:30 on October 23, 2013.

Norazita and another bank employee are transferring cash from the safe into a storage area of ​​money in space are immune, when La Ode that when it replaces other safety officers who opened fire on sick leave and the Norazita face until he died.

La Ode push out a bank clerk again and put the money as much as 450 thousand ringgit into the bag before he fled. The results of the police investigation showed that most money was found in the hands of a safety officer who is also Indonesian citizens, who claim that La Ode gave him the money.

La Ode detained in Johor and police found the gun he used in a ditch in Subang Jaya. Former safety officer still have an opportunity to appeal in the Court of the Guild.

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