Sunday, July 12, 2015

Dangerous Criminals Mexico 'El Chapo' Escape from Prison

Bos narkoba, Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman kabur dari penjara (Reuters)
Drug bosses, Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman escaped from prison (Reuters)

Mexico City - Drug boss, Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman escaped from a maximum security prison (maximum security). The incident became a slap to the government led by the President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto.

Now the massive search being conducted. The apparatus also find out who helped the prisoners escape topnotch.

On Saturday morning, July 11, 2015, surveillance cameras in federal prisons Altiplano record Guzman was approaching the laundry room, where inmates wash their belongings.

Moments later, prison guards routinely patrolling realize, first-class prisoner disappeared.

Later known, Guzman escaped from a hole in his cell, which leads to a 1,5-kilometer long tunnel equipped with lighting and ventilation, as well as stairs. A motorcycle was also found. Authorities believe the vehicle was used as a carrier tools and dispose of soil excavation proceeds.

Drug bosses, Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman escaped from prison (Reuters)

Mexico National Security spokesman, Monte Alejandro Rubido Garcia confirmed the news of the escape of the criminal Sunday morning, in a press conference in Mexico City.

Meanwhile, the President Pena Nieto ordered a thorough investigation into the allegation of officers who assist the escape. "I was very surprised to hear the news. It is an insult to the country of Mexico," he said, as quoted by the BBC.

This is not the first time Guzman escaped from jail. In 1993, Guzman was arrested in Guatemala and extradited to Mexico where he was found guilty and sentenced to maximum in maximum-security prison.

However, in 2001, he fled from prison by hiding in a laundry basket. Since then, the drug bosses to deceive the police for more than 10 years, while building influence.

Legendary reputation

In the dark world of Mexico, Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman has a reputation as a 'legend'. So strong position, people think, he can bribe anyone. Including the run in 2001 involving alleged bribes worth US $ 2.5 million. According to the book "Last Narco" by Malcolm Beith.

"He has an interesting character," says Beith on CNN, as quoted on Monday (13/07/2015). "He is a mirror of the problems in Mexico. A poor boy who has family ties to the drug ring. He had no choice, have no education ... and later became boss of the cartel."

El Chapo is considered to pose the loyalty of those who get money from him. He also kept informed if the danger was over. That said, he was fearless to the point that the fair could live without fear of arrest.

In 2014, when he again arrested at a hotel in the city of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, many thought the effect is finished. However, the assumption was wrong.

The arrest was considered a victory by the Mexican government. Guzman allegedly collected a lot of influence. Now, with the money he has, he can hide anywhere in the world. Forbes had even put his name on the list of most influential people in the world.

If not immediately arrested, feared legend status Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman strengthened.

'Robin Hood'

Guzman was born in Badiraguato, Sinaloa, on drug trafficking thrives. He began his career by working on drug boss Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo.

El Chapo then established his own cartel in 1980, including posts in a number of states. In the end, he inherited the influence of his former mentor. Time reported.

Drug empire, the Sinaloa Cartel becomes the most powerful in Mexico. Also shut off. Guzman surrounded by bodyguards were violent. He runs a global scale drug business is worth billions of dollars.

Syndicate was supplying marijuana, cocaine, and heroin sold on the streets of the United States. The US accuses the group using the assassins and thugs to maintain control. Uncle Sam offered to help catch him.

In Mexico, the group behind the attacks against the war on drugs waged by the government, which resulted in thousands of people were killed - mostly in tragic circumstances.

And although life in prison, he lives like a king behind the cell. Status 'fugitive drug bully in the world' deserve bears.

"There are thousands of drug bosses. However, with the growth and influence of the Sinaloa Cartel were bigger... Guzman was on the top level," said Beith.

Although considered enemies of the authorities, Guzman has a reputation as a 'Robin Hood' among the poor. He helped the poor, treat people when eating in restaurants, also provide free on their mobile phones.

"Maybe a lot of information that has the truth," said Scott Stewart, an analyst with Stratfor, told CNN last year. "He himself wants to maintain the myth."

Made similar reputation Robin Hood helps Guzman while evading capture. "I think there is a false narrative that were created to make El Chapo as the liver is a good businessman," he said.

In fact, known Guzman did not hesitate to use force and violence when he feels the need. Also, bribing officials to smooth the way. 

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