Sofia Hellqvist soon be married to the Swedish Prince Carl Philip (Reuters)
Before getting into the blue blood, Hellqvist been a topless model, then switched professions to become a yoga instructor, and worked with charities.
Fiance, Carl Philip (36) is in third successor to the throne of Sweden.
An estimated half a million people poured into the streets of Stockholm, welcome 'royal wedding' - even though the final poll call, the popularity of the royal family decline.
The couple first met at a restaurant in 2010. Shortly thereafter, both confirmed their romance.
Sofia Hellqvist soon be married to the Swedish Prince Carl Philip (Reuters)
Also her appearance in a reality show, Paradise Hotel, where the single scantily clad compete and stay in a luxury hotel.
To the Swedish media, Hellqvist said she had long separated from the shadows of the past.
However, "I do not regret anything. All the experience of living in the past was the one who actually form my personal this time. Although, I would not choose the same path," her said, as, quoted by the BBC on Saturday (13/6/2015).
Amid rumors that past Sofia Hellqvist has caused unrest among the royal family, the Kungafamiljen underlines its charitable activities, including when helping disadvantaged children in South Africa.
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