Friday, June 12, 2015

Christopher Lee, the Witch and Dracula Metal Music Lovers

Christopher Lee, Penyihir dan Drakula Pencinta Musik Metal
Christopher Lee, who plays Saruman in The Lord of the Rings. (REUTERS / Tony Gentile)

Christopher Lee, who died on June 7 due to respiratory and cardiac problems, is known starred in many great movies. His name has become popular across the age when it became a magician Saruman in The Lord of the Rings.

Before that, there are still many legendary roles in other films, such as in Frankenstein and Dracula and James Bond. But beyond that, Lee was also loves music. Not carelessly, he likes metal.

Reported Rolling Stone, Lee fell in love with loud music since the early 1970s. It was the first time he heard Black Sabbath. He once said to Tony Iommi, guitarist of Black Sabbath: "You are the father of metal music."

Comments which recorded a promotional video was rewarded with praise Iommi no less beautiful. Apparently, Lee is his inspiration. "But you're the one who started it. Really. Because we used to watch Dracula and the horror film you're doing and it really affects us."

Whether the love of metal that begins in 1958 when he was involved in the film The Horror of Dracula or 1970 when he met Black Sabbath, which clearly contributes Lee's first metal contrived in 2005. He participated in the song Rhapsody of Fire, The Magic of the Wizard's Dream.

Two years later, Lee tried the same genre in pop album, Revelation. In 2010, Lee is also working with King Power Metal Manowar when it re-record their album. Battle Hymns Battle Hymns MMXI be.

I wonder if the base Manowar, Joey DeMaio give grief when the sad news reached her ears Lee. "We grieve for the loss of one of our friends, Sir Christopher Lee," he wrote on the Facebook page.

Outside of his work with several musicians, Lee himself is already a metal musician in his own way. He released a symphonic metal album, Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross early in 2010. Three years later, the new album appears with the feel heavier.

Album title Charlemagne: The Omens of Death. The album was arranged by guitarist Richie Faulker just before he replaces KK Downing in Judas Priest. "It's really heavy metal," said Lee in a promotional clip that time.

Lee's release last metal album is Metal Knight, 2014. He also participated in A Heavy Metal Heavy Metal Christmas and Christmas Too. Great for his contribution in the field of music, Lee received an award from Iommi Spirit of Metal to Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards Show, in 2010.

"I strongly believe that whatever it is, it does not matter whether music, literature, or anything else in life, from shocking people from time to time. That's what I believe: surprise people," said Lee in last year's Metal Hammer. According to him, the power of metal.

"Heavy metal, since the beginning has the power to surprise the best taste in the world, and people all over the world. Involved in it, and show people that until now I can still surprise, very important."

93-year-old actor admitted that he had spent his time career by taking risks. It must be done. "I was never scared, and I do my best to take that risk," he said firmly.

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