Monday, June 29, 2015

American TV network NBC fired Donald Trump

Foto: The Richest
Photo: The Richest

Chicago - Who would have thought a Donald Trump usual shout "Your're Fired" in the show The Apprentice, is treated the same by NBC, the television which employs Trump as host.

NBC - as quoted by The Australian - terminate the contract because Trump in his campaign speeches as a presidential candidate voiced negative things about immigrants from Mexico.

Trump said that "They (coming to America) carrying illegal drugs, they bring the criminals and rapists, although there are some good people among them." He was asked to build a wall along the southern border.

Trump went on that wall was supposed to be built by the American government not by the Mexican government or its people.

The speech sparked a public outcry, especially among Hispanics. The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, a group that holds 39 Latin organizations, asked NBC to pull out of any business Trump. In addition, a petition on also asked the same thing and have gained 218,000 signatures.

Dozens of protesters also demonstrated in front of the restaurant where Trump spoke, with various slogans, one of which reads "Stop the hate"

Maritza Vaca, one of the demonstrators said that he was disappointed with what was said by Trump. "This racist and obviously ridiculous for a man who he wanted to run for Presidential United States."

In addition to terminating the contract with Trump as the host in the appretince, NBC and the television networks will also stop broadcasting contract the annual beauty contest Miss America and Miss Universe has been broadcast from the last edition in 2013 and will be broadcast on 12 July.

Trump reacted that he had to face this all the anticipation and said that NBC is weak. "(Basic!) Weak, and this is why America has a serious problem, because people like them snobs feel politically correct. Wait for me in court! Whatever they do to me, I do not matter." (
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