Thursday, May 28, 2015

NASA Will Explore Moon Europa Jupiter's Owned

NASA Akan Jelajahi Bulan Europa Milik Jupiter

California - The NASA declared that they would explore one of the satellites of the planet Jupiter, the Europa.

FinancialExpress launch, researchers from the Planetary Science Institute (PSI) will learn one of the bull belonging to NASA, the Europa.

NASA declared the mission to Europa will be launched in 2020. The mission is carried out while orbiting Jupiter with a duration of three years.

Senior researcher at the PSI, Roger Clark, stated that the mission was intended fatherly examining the composition of the soil, organic, and other water-lian in Europa.

The mission will be equipped with a device called Europa Imaging System (EIS), which is equipped with advanced camera.

NASA has selected nine of the 33 devices proposed for the mission.
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