Friday, May 8, 2015

NASA Record Mysterious Voices in the Sky

NASA Rekam Suara-suara Misterius di Langit
(Photo: sciencealert)

California - NASA recorded mysterious voices at an altitude of 36 kilometers above the Earth's surface. Is that?

ScienceAlert launch, the mysterious sounds of the complex nan recorded by NASA experimental balloon flown by students.

The voices are recorded at an altitude of 36 kilometers above the Earth's surface. The mysterious voice in the waves below 20 hertz; beyond the range of human hearing.

"If expedited, the mysterious voice sounded like a crack, wave static, robots, and others, just like in the movie X-Files," says Daniel Bowman of the University of North Carolina, who designed the experiment air balloon equipment.

In these trials Bowman put a microphone that can record sound wave infra and attached to a helium balloon High Altitude Student Platform (HASP) NASA.

A distance of 36 kilometers above the Earth's surface was too high to be penetrated by the aircraft, but too low of a layer startosfir (at an altitude of 100 kilometers above the Earth's surface).

Some allegations so far is the sound of ocean waves, turulensi wind, gravitational waves and others.

"So far there has been no audio recordings of startosfir layer within the last 50 years. It is expected that the future will be found something we've never heard before," said Bowman.

Listen to the audio recording below.

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