Sunday, May 10, 2015

ISIS replace the uniform color of the executed death

ISIS Ganti Warna Seragam para Tereksekusi Mati
Previously, victims of execution ISIS wearing orange overalls, suspected terrorist detainees at Guantanamo symbolizes. Now they wear blue.

BAGHDAD - Militants released a video ISIS execution this week, showed about 10 prisoners were shot dead. There are differences in the video this time, compared to the previous record, namely clothing executed.

Al-Arabiya reported on Saturday (9/5), in a video released by ISIS media wing on Friday looks victims were herded in a desert. One victim was accompanied by an executioner dressed in black, carrying a gun.
This is not the first time ISIS displays the execution of the hostages. 

Simultaneously, the victim was shot in the back of the head until dead. The incident allegedly occurred in the north of Baghdad, but there is no confirmation from the security and the Iraqi government.

This is not the first time ISIS conduct mass executions recorded camera. But this time, the executed wearing blue overalls, not orange as before.

According to observers, ISIS chose orange to resemble residents terrorist prisoners in Guantanamo. Unknown reasons why ISIS replace their hostages blue shirt.

ISIS militants continued to spread terror in Iraq and Syria. Recently, ISIS claimed to be behind an attack on a prison in Iraq, making 40 prisoners and guards were killed blurred.

(CNN Indonesia)
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