Monday, May 4, 2015

Ethiopian Jewish anti-racist demo degree, 40 Injured

Yahudi Ethiopia Gelar Demo anti-Rasis, 40 Cedera
(Photo: Aljazeera)

Tel Aviv - Ethiopian Jews, third-class citizen in Israel, Sunday (3/5) rampage in anti-racist demonstration of the most large and loud in the heart of Tel Aviv. At least 40 people were injured.

Channel 2 reported that police fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse thousands of protesters. Ethiopian Jews threw bottles and stones at police who tried to arrest them at Rabin Square - the heart of Israeli cities and business centers.

This demonstration is not the first. Three days ago, thousands of Ethiopian Jews took to the streets, after videos of police brutality of Israel against an Israeli soldier of Ethiopian Jews to spread in social media.

In a video seen two Israeli policemen pushed, hit up the fallen soldiers were black, and persecute. There is no black soldier in the Israeli army in addition to Ethiopian Jews.

Al Jazeera reported at least 40 people were injured, including 23 policemen, in a massive clash. Channel 2 reported a woman who join the protest said; "I have no longer trust the police, they are racist by fellow Jews."

Protests began peacefully. Demonstrators, estimated to number in the thousands, blocking one of the main streets in the center of Tel Aviv, and cause congestion.

Police tried to disperse the crowd, and a clash is inevitable.

Recognized Scripture, Discriminated against Police

Tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews arrived in Israel between the 1980s and 1990s, when famine hit Ethiopia very severe. They were flown in the operation was very secret, after the board of rabbis - the Jewish religious leaders of various sects - confirmed that Ethiopian Jews are the direct descendants Tribe of Dan, and recorded in the scriptures.

Their numbers continue to swell, and is now estimated to be 135 thousand in the 8 million inhabitants of Israel from a variety of backgrounds. However, since arriving in Israel they do not become the target of police discrimination, racist attacks on the Jewish population of Europe and the Middle East.

Half of them live in absolute poverty, and only 50 percent of the generation born in Israel educated.

Racist action not only by the police, but became an unwritten policy the Israeli government. Tel Aviv regimes were accused repatriate thousands of them back to Ethiopia.

In 2013, the Israeli government allegedly forcing women Ethiopian Jews forced to follow the family planning program, by giving injections of birth control.

Ben Hartman, Jerusalem Post reporter, said the protests are a symptom of wider problems in Israel. "Ethiopian Jews were a minority who do not have the political power and support," said Hartman.

However, only one of the Ethiopian Jews are discriminated minority. Others are Druze and Arab, which will not be able to integrate with the Jews of Europe; Shepardim or Azkenazim.

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