Wednesday, May 13, 2015

British man willing to kill the prince Charles that Harry be king

Pria Inggris Rela Bunuh Pangeran Charles agar Harry Jadi Raja
Prince Harry was fifth British throne, after his father, Prince Charles, his brother, Prince William, and two nephews of Prince George and Princess Charlotte. (Reuters/Dianne Manson/Pool)

A man in the UK admitted to plotting the assassination of Prince Charles and Prince William that Prince Harry may be the successor to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II and became king.

Mark Colborne, 37 years old, man from Southampton, southern England, admitted in court on Tuesday (12/5) that he felt marginalized because of being born with red hair. Colborne wants Prince Harry, who is also a redhead, became king of England to prove to the world that people with red hair can be a leader.

However, Colborne judged not just because you want to kill Prince Charles. Colborne police arrested in June 2014 on charges of preparing an act of terrorism for several months.

Colborne arrested after stepbrothers find chemicals and Colborne diary containing the writings of racist hatred in their home in Southampton, and report it to the police.

Annabel Darlow prosecutor at the Court of the Old Bailey, London revealed that in his diary, Colborne wrote that he wanted to kill the people with dark hair. Colborne also said he wanted to shoot the head of Prince Charles.

"I want them to see me change from poor red-haired man who often become victims of the minority turned completely into a terrifying terrorist," said Colborne, quoted by Al-Arabiya on Tuesday (12/5).

"I would sacrifice my life for one shot it. Killing Charles and William, so that Harry could become king. Kill the tyrant," wrote Colborne.

Colborne often compares himself with right-wing Norwegian extremist, Anders Behring Breivik, who launched an attack at a summer camp in Oslo in 2011, killing 77 people.

In his diary, Colborne call she hates "blacks and whites idiot" and hated the prevailing state system.

During the trial, Darlow stated that Colborne feel themselves marginalized and underestimated by society because he is a white man, but the redhead.

The court said that Colborne learn how to make bombs and concocting a deadly poison cyanide. Before acting, Colborne also prepare masks, plastic syringes and rubber gloves.

"I want to give a big levy, terrorist attacks that will bring to the public's attention will be pain, not only me but also my brother in the whole world," wrote Colborne.

However, Colborne has denied allegations that he was preparing a major terrorist acts.

As the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles is heir to the British Empire. Afterwards, there was his eldest son, Prince William, who will forward the throne. In third and fourth, was the son of William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. While Prince Harry was in fifth place.

(CNN Indonesia)
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