Thursday, May 28, 2015

Alert! This text may make your iPhone dies

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(Photo: The Guardian)

Beware! A text is being circulated dangerous and can make your iPhone dies suddenly.

Text that contains Arabic script was reportedly not a virus, but a mistake on the iPhone with regard to the way Arabic is processed and displayed on the alert. When non-Latin characters such as Arabic is sent, the character can disrupt the system. Devices that you can not fix the problem that was eventually going to reboot.

In addition, the text is initially only sent as a joke, rather than as a way to hack or steal identities on an iPhone. It is unknown how the text originally was to be found. What is clear, error on the iPhone quickly spread through Reddit, and then through the social media.

Now, Apple is trying to fix errors in the system, "We are aware of the problem iMessage caused by a series of specific unicode character and we will provide improvements in the software update," Apple said in a statement that they spend.

Well, for those of you who are already exposed to 'trap Batman' the Arabic text, for now you can fix it by going to Settings, Notifications, Messages, Show Previews, Show on Screen Lock (Off), and the latter Alert Style When Unlocked (None) , You also may also need to apply the same messaging application other just in case.

However, there are also those who claim that repairs while it may not work on all iPhones. Any fault or damage actually only affects iPhone sender, not sent his.

(Source: Various Sources)
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