Star Wars made in Japan (photo: The Verge)
You would know if 'Square Enix' has become the most successful game publisher in Japan. Now the company that created the game Final Fantasy series is newly created action figure from the movie 'Star Wars' to look more frightening.
Through a few simple tweaks and modifications, action figure looks very detailed and better looking than the original. 'Square Enix' add some scratches with a flame effect, up to the power of 'force' the Darth Vader action figure. Not only that, Darth Vader Japan is also adorned with robes and his massive muscles.

In addition to Darth Vader, Square Enix also makes characters like Boba Fett other antagonists and Stromtrooper which also has views over 'frightening'. The release of this toy was not separated from the fans will welcome the latest movie Star Wars Episode VII in this year.

This is not the first thing the Japanese company producing toys of American films, a year earlier, Final Fantasy designer Tetsuya Nomura also has redesigned the look of Dark Knight. However, the design of Star Wars toys Japanese output is indeed worth arguably better looking than the original.
Darth Vader action figure is planned to be released in May. As for Boba Fett and Stromtrooper will follow in July. Leaks of cyberspace, action figures will be sold at a price range, 12,960 yen.

(Source: The Verge)