Wednesday, March 4, 2015

They Were Executed Stage Two

Mereka yang Dieksekusi Mati Tahap Dua
Two Australians sentenced to death in drug cases (Antara)

There are two names that attract public attention, namely Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

The Indonesian government is ready to implement the execution of death row two stages. Previous convict already undergone six executions on January 18, 2015 morning.

Commencing from January 9, 2015, President Joko Widodo has refused clemency to 16 death row inmates. They are mostly involved in drug trafficking cases.

With 6 convict execution, then the remaining 10 convicts clemency had been rejected, but not yet executed.

Of the 10 sentenced to death, there are two names that attract public attention that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. Both a heroin smuggler syndicate known as the Bali Nine.

The Australian government has rejected the protest of two citizens were executed. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has contacted the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to discuss the execution of two members of the Bali Nine drug ring.

However, Jokowi-JK government remained committed to carrying out executions. Even Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran has been moved from prison Krobokan, Bali, to the place of execution in reclaiming, Central Java, today.

Not only the governments of Australia, the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff also objected citizens in Indonesia would be put to death. He is Rodrigo Gularte which also rejected clemency Jokowi.

Various forms of protest, President Dilma refused credential (credential) Ambassador (Ambassador) Indonesia to Brazil.

Ahead of the execution time, the lawyer Rodrigo calls his klein experiencing mental illness. However, the Attorney General HM Prasetyo said the reason was just a pretext mental illness.

Here is a list of 10 death row drug cases that have been rejected clemency and ready to be executed;

1. Andrew Chan (Australian citizen)
2. Myuran Sukumaran aka Mark (Australia citizen)
3. Rodrigo Gularte (Brazil citizen)
4. Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (Philippines citizen)
5. Zainal Abidin (Indonesia citizen)
6. Raheem Agbaje Salami (Spain citizen)
7. Serge Areski Atlaoui (France citizen)
8. Martin Anderson aka Belo (Ghana citizen)
9. Sylvester Obiekwe Nwolise (Nigeria citizen)
10. Okwudili Oyatanze (Nigeria citizen)

Until now, there is still one death row inmate who has not moved to reclaiming, namely Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (Filipina), which is languishing in prison Wirogunan, Yogyakarta. While the rest have been in reclaiming, Cilacap, Central Java. (Ism, Dream/various sources)

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