Friday, March 27, 2015

5 Facts You Need to Know About Co-Pilot Death

5 Fakta Perlu Diketahui Tentang Co-Pilot Maut
(Photo: IBTimes)

Duesseldorf - Andreas Guenter Lubitz a nobody until he hijacked the cockpit, and the plane crashed into the slopes of the Alps.

He killed all 150 passengers, crew, and himself. He killed them instantly, because a float plane with a speed of 700 kilometers, pieces.

Germanwings Cockpit Graphic

There are only a passenger shouts recording for five seconds in the cabin, and the snorting breath Lubitz in the cockpit.

Who Andreas Lubitz? Here are five interesting facts about him.

1. Living with parents and girlfriend

1. Tinggal Bersama Orang Tua dan Pacar

Lubitz, now aged 28, is a German citizen. He lives. in Montabaur, Rhineland region between Cologne and Frankfurt.

The Telegraph reported that he lived with his parents and his girlfriend. He also had an apartment in Duesseldorf.

In the list of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Lubitz located at Am Spiessweiher 8, Montabaur, Germany. Google maps shows him living in the suburbs.

Peter Ruecker, Westerwald LSC flying club members, said Lubitz boyfriend. Lubitz visited the club last fall, to renew his glider license. There is no problem with the current Lubitz.

Lubitz family has joined with other victims' families, but after Marseille prosecutor announced he was plowing the cockpit and the plane dropped, police separating them.

2. Lubitz is an example of a positive pilot

2. Lubitz Adalah Contoh Pilot Positif

Lubitz recognized by the FAA in 2013 as a pilot positive figure. Aviation Business Gazette writes; FAA recognizes Lubitz to put it to the FAA Airmen Certification prestigious group database.

In the database, which appear on the site;, Lubitz name is one of the few pilots that meet, or exceed, the requirements of education, licensing, and medical standards, which set the FAA.

3. Start Flying Age 14, no experience with A3

3. Mulai Terbang Usia 14, tak Pengalaman dengan A3

Lubitz first time at the age of 14. He flew LSC members Westerwald, who dreamed of flying a plane.

He dreamed of flying the Airbus A320, but must pay with his life and become a disaster for the 149 passengers and crew.

Lubitz Lufhansa trainee after graduating from school rigorous preparation, and joined with Germanwings, September 2013. He was trained in Bremen (Germany), and Phoenix, Arizona (USA).

When accidents, Lubitz has a record 630 hours of flight. In fact, the co-pilot commercial aircraft are required to have a minimum of 1,500 hours of flying. This corresponds to FAA rules revised and ratified in 2013.

Lubitz has a private pilot's license issued by the FAA in 2012. While a student pilot license in 2010.

4. Six years ago had depression

4. Enam Tahun Lalu Sempat Depresi

Carsten Spohr, CEO Lufhansa, said Lubitz hundred percent fit to fly but. However, he said, six years ago Lubitz could leave flight training because of depression.

He did psycho again, and declared fit to fly. He had to take a break a few months for reasons unknown.

A woman identified as the mother of a classmate told the Frankfurter Zeitung Lubitz; "Apparently, he has a burnout, depression."

The woman added; "He's a good kid, good family background too. I'm not sure Lubitz planning to hijack aircraft cockpit and drop."

5. Lubitz Do Everything with Calm

5. Lubitz Melakukan Semuanya dengan Tenang

All officials said Lubitz locking cockpit, when captain Patrick Sonderheimer left his seat to go to the toilet. Lubitz programmed descent.

The information was released FlightRadar24 show when the reprogramming occurred. According to the video playback, 09: 30: 52-09: 30: 55 autopilot was manually changed from 38,000 feet to 100 feet. Nine seconds later, the plane began to descend.

Not wrong if the Attorney Marseille Brice Robin said Lubitz intend to destroy the plane.

The plane crashed into a mountain at speeds of 430 miles, or 700 kilometers, per hour. Lubitz has no criminal record and not the terrorist watch list.

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