Friday, January 9, 2015

The hunt for terrorists | Two gunman cartoonist robbed a gas station

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A total of 80 thousand officers have been deployed to hunt down two brothers killer 12 people in the office of Charlie Hebdo. Allegedly, both hiding in the forest. (Reuters/Charles Platiau)

Paris - Search two gunman in the magazine Charlie Hebdo offices are now concentrated in the Picardy region after they were seen entering the forest in the region of northern France.

French Interior Ministry said more than 80 thousand police have been deployed to hunt Kouachi Cherif, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34, who had killed 12 people and injured 10 others at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, Wednesday (7/1).

Helicopter on Thursday morning glimpse of two brothers suspected Kouachi into the woods on foot. At night, the forest is combed by helicopters with night vision devices.

Police with a full arsenal crowded area after reports that both actors rob a gas station.

(Source: CNN)
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