Monday, January 5, 2015

Napping Speeding Death?

Tidur Siang Mempercepat Kematian?
Illustration nap (Thinkstock)

A British study concluded that, adults who are in the productive age or older people have a higher risk of death if frequent naps.

According to reports Live Science website, research from the University of Cambridge that included more than 16 thousand respondents in Britain to answer questions about their sleeping habits between 1998 and 2000, the results associated with the case 13 years later.

The researchers said people aged 40 to 79 years who regularly nap less than an hour, had a risk of death within 13 years of the larger 14 percent, compared to those who did not nap.

While napping in a long time --lebih than an hour - a much higher risk of death, which is 32 percent.

Nap and premature death associated with an increased risk of death from respiratory diseases.

The relation of the highest among the respondents that much younger age, ie aged 40 and 65 years with a two-fold risk if a nap for an hour or more.

The researchers say, those who love naps tend to have a medical condition that is not detected so that it also affects the risk of their death.

"Excessive Naps can be a useful marker of underlying health risks, especially respiratory problems for those aged 65 years or younger," the researchers wrote in the journal American Journal of Epidemiology.

Sleep apnea is a breathing pauses during sleep term periods often, can make people feel sleepy during the day and is also associated with an increased risk of death.

The new study does not imply that all people suffer from sleep apnea or not, but the researchers indicated they were in the treatment of high blood pressure tend to suffer from sleep apnea.

Researchers also said that further study of the measurement must be done with sleep apnea and daytime sleep can influence psychological change.

Reportedly, this study is held when the researchers are finding out factors influence the risk of death that surrounds age, gender, body mass index (BMI), smoking, exercise, to medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and asthma.

Source: CNN Indonesia
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