'Gangnam Style' (Photo: Google)
Action that killed Jordan Brennan began when the 17-year-old teenager was in a store and started dancing 'Gangnam Style' in the presence of another teenager who was 16 years old. Unexpectedly, Brennan dance even make younger teen that thinks he's being racist to him that comes from Southeast Asia.
Not long after, a fight between the two is inevitable. Brennan then head hit the window iron and concrete floor outside the store located in Gorton, Manchester is. His legs were also kicked by the teenagers who have the wrong idea. Brennan was finally home and was found dead the next morning by his mother. He appeared to have suffered a brain hemorrhage due to hit during a fight.

"We can not explain the effect of it for us. We have lost our son at the age of 17 and we do not expect it. You see this happen to other people in the news, but you do not expect it to happen to you," said Kim, mother Brennan as quoted from the Metro.
Now, the teenager who fights with Brennan said to have pleaded guilty and his defense has also been accepted. Again, these cases can be a lesson for you so do not get carried away when acted.