1 Million magazine Charlie Hebdo Will Publishing. (Photo: AFP)
As a counter-attack on what happened to the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. They will be issued 1 million magazine as a symbol of resistance in the name of freedom.
If Charlie Hebdo usually only published 50,000 copies per week, then next week will be different. Because the magazine will be printed as many as 1 million copies. Columnist Patrick Pelloux said the decision to keep publishing the magazine will show that "ignorance is not going to win".
"It's very difficult. We all suffer, with sorrow, with fear, but we will continue to do so because ignorance is not going to win," said Pelloux told AFP.

"The reason to keep rising, because they want to tell their (alleged assault) that they did not manage to take the liberty Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Bernard Maris, Honore, Elsa, Tignous, Mustapha, and guards were killed," said Pelloux.
Some media will help publishing the magazine, two of which newspapers Liberation and Le Monde. Before the attack, the official Twitter Charlie Hebdo upload pictures ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.