Saturday, March 25, 2017

Nintendo Switch - Hybrid answer

The idea of ​​creating a gaming device like Nintendo Switch, long time in the air. The company Nintendo is not the first tablet computer made with the image on the television display. However, the problem is the tablet that they are the first multi-functional multimedia devices and only then - the game. "Large" high-budget games for them do not (the maximum out ported versions of old hits such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, and Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic).

The idea that the game can take with them, is very attractive. Especially if it is not casual fun, but it is a "adult" adventure designed for hundreds of hours of fascinating passage. Especially if the process of switching between "fixed" and "portable" mode takes a moment.

The first step in this direction in the design of Nintendo made Wii U, the controller which has a large screen and on it could continue to flow if the TV was busy or the physiological needs of the body fascinated by the user in the room resting. It was very convenient, but the Wii U has been far from perfect, and freedom of movement is limited to a few meters.

We can say that Nintendo Switch - is the development of Wii U ideas, but this is not true. This is not a simple evolution, evolutionary leap again. It remains to understand, in the right direction.

Contents of delivery

In a relatively small box found:

  • console (in the form of a tablet computer)
  • Dock Nintendo Switch,
  • Controllers Joy-Con (right and left),
  • straps Joy-Con (right and left),
  • Holder Joy-Con,
  • HDMI cable,
  • PSU Nintendo Switch,
  • documentation.

Nintendo Unpacking Switch

Note that the USB-C cable is inseparable from the power supply. If you want to charge the console from a portable charger, you will need a separate cable.

You should also take care to purchase a spacious Card microSD, if you are planning to purchase games in an electronic store Nintendo eShop. In the console itself only 32 GB, so that memory quickly clogged.


  • SoC: Nvidia's the Tegra the X1 ;
  • CPU: 8-core with a frequency of 1.020 GHz (4 ARM Cortex-A57 and four ARM Cortex-A53);
  • The GPU: Nvidia's Maxwell is GM20B frequencies up to 384 MHz in a portable mode and up to 768 MHz in a stationary;
  • RAM: 4 GB LPDDR4 ;
  • Built-in flash memory of 32 GB ;
  • Support for microSD card: there is, up to 2 TB ;
  • Touch screen: matrix the IPS , a diagonal of 6.2 inches , resolution of 1280 × 720 (when connected to a TV via the docking station is displayed in the image resolutions up to 1920 × 1080);
  • Wireless connectivity: Wi-Fi access 802.11ac, the Bluetooth 4.1 ;
  • Connectors: 1, the C the USB (on the console), 1 mini-jack (on the console), 1 the USB 3.0 (at the dock) 2 2.0 We do the USB (on the dock)
  • Lithium-ion battery (mAh): 4310 ;
  • Dimensions of the console (see): 23.9 × 10,2 × 1,4 ;
  • Weight (g): 297.


First of all, it should be noted that Nintendo Switch in any case does not apply for the premium sector. If Sony's device a pleasure just to keep in the hands of a lot of attention paid to the materials and forms (see. The PSP and the PS Vita is ), that Nintendo does not care much about how the appearance and the convenience of use.

Impressions from Nintendo Switch and games 
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the  Wild

Console housing is made of plastic with a matte rubberized coating, easy to collect fingerprints. At acquaintance immediately confuses excessive amounts of any holes and connectors. Now manufacturers strive to minimize the number, but not in this case.

Vents cooling system - it's all the wildness, given the fact that today's single-chip systems have a much greater performance and energy efficiency than the Nvidia Tegra X1 (in the AnTuTu benchmark is gaining a total of about 75 000 points). Nintendo Switch can operate a maximum of 3 hours in a mode of 3D-games. If the loading of its games with simple graphics, that will last for 6 hours.

There is a feeling that Nvidia just found someone to sell their not too successful chips made on outdated 20nm process technology. SoC Tegra X1 hit the market in 2015 and was a success.

Characteristics of the console is not too impressive as appearance. Before us is a simple 6-inch tablet with a broad frame around the screen, but without a camera (no front or back) and without GPS module. But it weighs about as much as a typical 8-inch plates made of glass and metal.

On the right and left edges of the console are located metal skids for mounting the controllers Joy-Con'ov. Insert until it clicks.

On the upper face are: the power button, volume rocker adjustment, massive vent connector 3.5mm headphone jack (microphone is not required, the console does not support voice communication) and a slot for memory cards branded with games, covered by a flap.

On the bottom is placed a plug the USB-C connection, or to a docking station, or to the power supply.

Behind detected hole for air intake and flip leg to put the console on the table. Foot pretty shaky. They are not in the middle and at the edge of the device, so that no question about reliable fixation. Enough to make the slightest effort to plate down on the table. The leg is fixed in one position, with the angle of inclination is clearly focused on the children. If the console is on the table, the adult looks at the screen and not directly under serious angle. Thus far the console is not set aside, as if uncomfortable to play the 6-inch screen. Under the foot is hidden slot for microSD cards.

The screen of the tablet is covered with transparent plastic, which is quite easy to scratch (it is already possible to find a lot of feedback from upset owners of the network). The boxes around the wide screen. Under the screen are opening two speakers and a light sensor. There is an automatic adjustment of screen brightness.

console screen features high brightness, so you can comfortably play not only at home but also on the street. It is worth noting the good viewing angles, saturated colors, but black poor stability at a deviation from the perpendicular view. Black color changes up to a light gray.

The cooling system runs silently, but sometimes, very rarely, turn on blowing. And so it is very loud. If you decide to play a little before going to sleep in the bed, and suddenly whistle blower, then there is a good chance to get on the neighbor's elbow to the nose.

Thus, the tablet has turned out relatively small, about the size of a 6-inch e-book, only two times thicker and heavier. For Carrying Case is recommended to buy, you do not accidentally scratch the screen.

Controllers Joy-Con (right and left)

The highlight of Nintendo Switch controllers are Joy-Con'y (hereinafter - dzhoykony). They come in a special slide on the left and right edges of the console in this position, make up a whole with it. Nintendo Switch turns into quite familiar portable gaming console by the type of PS Vita and Wii U.

Dimensions console with inserted dzhoykonami seriously increased. Such a device is no longer fit in each bag. In addition, confused by what dzhoykony sit loosely and hang out a little bit. There is a feeling that if you put a little effort, then they may well be broken by removing the metal from the plastic slide mount.

Take out dzhoykony simple. On the back of each there is a button that allows otschёlkivaet gate and remove the controller.

Dzhoykony amazing. Firstly, the two independent controllers, which nevertheless can work in conjunction with each other, the two halves of the gamepad. They offer all of the standard for gamepads set of buttons: Start ( «+»), Select ( «-»), cross-piece, two stick, buttons «A», «B», «X», «Y», two shift and two triggers . Triggers are, unfortunately, not analog. Gently squeeze the gas in racing games will not work. In addition, on the right there dzhoykone Home button to return to the system of the running application and the infrared sensor able to estimate the distance to the nearest object. On the left there dzhoykone taking screenshots button. But that's not all.

On dzhoykonov faces that belong to slide the console, there is three buttons. Two of them carried out the role of the shift when dzhoykon used as miniature Controller in simple games, and the third - turns it off to no avail save power. Without charging dzhoykony, according to the manufacturer, can work out a little less than a day without interruption. A decent result.

In addition, both have a complex system dzhoynoka so-called HD-vibration, which can simulate a variety of things. For example, the rolling stones inside the controller. And it turns out without problems to count how many of them there are "inside" is. Amazing feeling. Also, in each of dzhoykonov integrated gyroscope and accelerometer to accurately track the position of the controller in space (tested in a number of mini-games).

In summary, the Nintendo offered the unique controllers that perform the functions:

  • a gamepad when connected to a console or to a special holder that comes in a set;
  • two simple gamepad, each with a limited set of buttons and a Stick; 
  • motion controllers, which allows revive the almost forgotten segment of dance games and fitness trainers;
  • special features HD-vibration and infrared sensor controllers allow the use of new, previously unknown scenarios. 
  • Dzhoykony correctly read the motion at any distance from the console (within reason, of course), with this motion controller, which does not require an external reading device (camera, IR emitter, or something like that). They continue to work correctly, even if between the screen and the user up and down the people go. 

The problem is that as long as there is no place dzhoykonam open. They are well play the role of Controller in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but a set of mini-games 1-2, the Switch is nothing more than a costly demonstration of capabilities of the controller. Play is no desire. The fun is not more than the fun of the popular "rock-paper-scissors." So while all the interesting features dzhoykonov can be written into the category of "promising", with the hope that will be the game that will reveal their potential in the near future.

Each is accompanied by a special dzhoykon strap with a plastic insert to smooth out the rough side which is attached to the console. In the game 1-2-Switch has a 28 "entertainment" types. In some of them you have to play or strapped with a strap or with otstёgnutym. Removed the straps very tight, it is necessary to make serious efforts, and it is very annoying. It is understood that in other games, sharpened by a certain management style, this problem will not be felt at all, but, as they say, osadochek remained.

Holder dzhoykonov by which they become familiar gamepad, provides a convenient grip for the handle, with a well through them transmitted vibration. But the fact that the controller is no connector for headphones - this is a drawback. If you want to play in the headphones, it is necessary to connect them, or to a TV or console. Connect the wireless headset can not be.

With regard to technical problems, it is sometimes left dzhoykon suddenly goes off, it ceases to see the console. A second connection is restored, but still unpleasant, when half of the gamepad you suddenly no longer respond to commands. Nintendo promises to fix this problem in the next update. In fairness, we note that the problem we encountered a couple of times.

Note one more common feature of the Nintendo consoles that should be kept in mind before buying. Button «A» there is a right and is responsible for the confirmation of the action, and the button «B» - from the bottom, and it cancels the selection. On the controller for consoles Xbox and PlayStation family the opposite is true, so every time returns to the Nintendo Switch, have to be retrained. And then back to relearn.

It is impossible not to admire Nintendo desire to be like everyone else, but when all over the world to develop a unified standard management using gamepads, should not be so obsessively insist on his vision. This works against users.

Dock station

Connect the console to the TV via the docking station. This is a very simple device and very easy. Under the plastic cover back has connectors for HDMI cables, USB 3.0 and USB-C. Last comes the power supply. In addition to the dock on the left, there are two ports USB 2.0, the purpose of which is unclear. Use them to connect external hard drives fails. The console only accepts microSD cards.

But in any case delighted that the gaming device from Nintendo turned so tiny. No more of this orgy with power supplies (for the Wii U was just two blocks, a lot of wires, plus an external drive). Nintendo Switch Cradle takes up little space next to the TV and looks nice.

As mentioned above, in stand-alone mode the console is running 3:00 in the "heavy" projects. When connected to a docking station, the charge is reduced for the same for 3 hours.

Some users complain that the dock scratching the console screen. We use for all time did not have even a hint of attrition.

operating system

The operating system consoles are so simple as possible. Party an opportunity here is only a news feed from Nintendo c light of recent events, shop the eShop, which is ball Roll, very few games, and "Album", which made the screenshots are stored. Then you can share them via social networks or reset them to the microSD card.

Since there is no third-party programs (any browser, no social networking applications or YouTube or Twitch), even creating an account is difficult - you have to pass on a computer registration. It should be noted that the registration it is necessary to specify the "correct" choice. For example, in Russia it is possible to use the eShop, and the citizens of Belarus sent to hell.

The system menu is rather poor settings. You can set the resolution of the image displayed on the TV screen, up to 1080p. It also supports 5.1 sound, if you have the reasons to listen to him.

As for games, the Nintendo Switch offers exactly one worthwhile project - of The Legend is of of Zelda: Breath of the Wild . This game has received top marks from the overwhelming majority of critics and is considered one of the best adventure militants in recent years.

Large publishers are still wary look at the console. Did not healed scars Wii U, when it is not even fought at the cost of a port games. Therefore, third-party participation in the project is limited to Nintendo Switch reissues of old games, and then they are released even have to wait!

Independent developers readily expressed their desire to try his hand on the new platform, but their interest will also depend on the pace of sales of Nintendo Switch. So in the next couple of years, most Nintendo will have to devote all its efforts to ensure that the new console to provide high quality and great exclusives that will constantly stimulate sales. The fact that Nintendo will be able to do this, we have no doubt. However, there is nothing yet, The Legend of Zelda passed and Nintendo Switch collects dust.


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


It is too early to draw conclusions, because the future depends entirely on the console from Nintendo Support. Need more games, more large-scale projects, it is necessary to run Virtual Console service, giving fans access to the classics. We must develop the capacity of the operating system, which is not nothing but a run of games. And certainly it is necessary to revise the pricing policy, so that users hair on the head to be raised at a cost of Bomberman and The Binding of Isaac. It is clear that Nintendo hurried, trying to use the only remaining window for the release of the new console.

In Nintendo Switch many shortcomings. This is the short battery life, and shaky support leg, and large air vents, and the inability to connect wireless headphones, and a lack of voice and multimedia features zero. Although small (by the standards of the tablet), 6.2-inch screen, the device is turned relatively bulky and heavy. Not happy securing execution dzhoykonov and while there are problems with their sudden shutdown.

Trying to create a universal hybrid device, the engineers had almost everything to make compromises. Yes, Nintendo Switch everywhere can take with you, but it is too big for the portable console and the charge holds only 3 hours. Yes, she has a support leg to place the console on the table, but the screen is too small, and the angle of inclination is not sufficient for a comfortable game. Yes, the console can be connected to a docking station and continue the game on TV, but we must be prepared for a rather simple graphics.

However, this console is something that others do not have - absolute freedom. And freedom is not only for the users, who can play where and how you want, but also the freedom of creativity for the game designers of the Nintendo internal studios, which are now required to come up with new usage scenarios dzhoykonov. After all dzhoykony Switch distinguished from other gaming devices. The Legend of Zelda, for all its brilliance even close does not disclose features of the console. It lacks adequate collection of mini-games (not 1-2-Switch 2, please). It is not enough games at all!

Evaluate the game console as other electronic devices can not. Quality Shell not largely depends on the design and performance of additional functions, and the quality and quantity onto games. Now Nintendo Switch - a device used to run exactly the same game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (with all due respect indie projects will not be considered). But the more will come out of these hits, the higher will be the interest in Nintendo Switch. We wait.


  • Total freedom, you can play anywhere
  • Revolutionary controllers dzhoykony
  • It takes a minimum of space with minimum wiring
  • Ultimate simplicity and intuitive use
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild as a starter project


  • The relatively weak hardware platform (even by the standards of portable systems)
  • Too large for a portable console
  • Short battery life - 3 hours in 3D-games
  • A lot of strange things in the design (the location of the support legs, connectors, large air vents)
  • The device is only for games, no additional capacity
  • 1-2-Switch as the start of the project 
  • Very few games at the start

Source: gametech
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