Sunday, November 20, 2016

Shocking images show battered grandma who was punched in random attack

A grandmother was left battered and bruised after being punched in the face in an unprovoked attack. Shocking images showed 78-year-old Joyce Holden following the assault in Blackpool on Tuesday, which happened when she was walking home from Tesco. A man randomly punched her from behind and then strolled away. ‘He came flying up from behind me and it just felt like “bang”, I dropped straight to the ground – the next thing I know he’s gone,’ Mrs Holden said. ‘I don’t understand, he’s not tried to rob me, he’s just hit me. This man needs to be caught. He might do it again or he might be someone who really needs help. ‘He needs to be caught for his own good.’ Mrs Holden, who has three children and two grand kids, said her family could not understand why someone would attack her. ‘Why would anyone do this,’ Mrs Holden’s 35-year-old daughter Katrine Holden added. ‘This person might really need some help, he might be a very disturbed individual. We don’t want this to happen again.’ As well as the horrific bruising, Mrs Holden, who was taken to hospital, suffered injuries to her foot and ankle. The suspect was described as a white male, who was in his 20s and was wearing a blue jacket. | Metro News
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