Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Japan Tsunami 2016: Fukushima earthquake triggers series of tsunamis

A series of moderate tsunamis struck Japan last night after a powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Fukushima. Residents fled to higher ground following the quake, triggering fears of a similar disaster to the 2011 quake that claimed 18,000 lives. A tidal surge was seen going up-stream soon after the 7.4 magnitude quake. It was the largest earthquake in northeastern Japan since the 2011 one and some large aftershocks the same day. At least 12 people were reported injured, and Japanese TV images showed items scattered on the floor in a store, and books that had fallen from shelves in a library. The earthquake shook buildings in Tokyo,150 miles southwest of the epicentre. The Japan Meteorological Agency described it as an aftershock of the massive 2011 quake. It warned that another large earthquake could hit in the next few days and urged residents to remain cautious for about a week. The meteorological agency said the bigger the earthquake, the longer the aftershocks last, though it didn’t say how long. In some areas, water could be seen rushing up rivers, which funnel tsunamis to a greater height, but it remained well within flood embankments. It was eerily reminiscent of the 2011 disaster, when much larger tsunamis rushed up rivers and overflowed, wiping away entire neighbourhoods. The first tsunami waves hit about one hour after the earthquake. The highest one, 4ft 7ins in height, reached Sendai Bay about two hours after the quake. The operator of the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant said there were no abnormalities observed at the plant, though a swelling of the tide of up to 3ft was detected offshore. The plant was swamped by the 2011 tsunami, sending three reactors into meltdown and leaking radiation into the surrounding area. The plant is being decommissioned but the situation remains serious as the utility figures out how to remove still-radioactive fuel rods and debris and what to do with the melted reactor cores. Plant operator TEPCO said a pump that supplies cooling water to a spent fuel pool at the nearby Fukushima Dai-ni plant stopped working, but that a backup pump had been launched to restore cooling water to the pool. Both plants are run by Tokyo-based TEPCO. | Metro News
via http://youtu.be/oDJFl6bZu94
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