Monday, November 28, 2016

Crathes Castle tourists left astonished by ghostly figure of a woman and a baby

Family snap photobombed by ghost! Tourists left astonished by spooky image carrying a babe-in-arms after visit to haunted castle *** At first glance, this might look like a typical family photograph. But a closer look reveals what appears to be a ghostly figure of a woman and a baby standing in the doorway of Crathes Castle, near Banchory, Aberdeenshire. The figure was captured by Bill Andrew on a visit to the 16th century site with his daughter Coleen, granddaughter Jessica and great-grandson Findley. The door to the castle had been closed at the time so when Coleen spotted the shadowy figure in the image, she contacted staff to see if there was an explanation. There are said to be two ghosts haunting the castle, a Green Lady and the ghost of Lady Agnes Burnett, who is said to reappear on the anniversary of her death. Property manager James Henderson said a number of visitors have reported 'mysterious sightings in and around the castle of late'. He added: 'The castle guides have reported that things have felt strange. 'They have reported a chill down the back in an otherwise warm room, and odd noises in an otherwise empty building.' The ancient tower house is now in the care of the National Trust for Scotland. | Daily Mail Online
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