Saturday, November 26, 2016

Boy painfully lands flat on his face after attempting to do a somersault off a farmer's bale

Hay fail: Boy painfully lands flat on his face after attempting to do a somersault off a farmer's bale *** The youngster is seen standing on top of a hay bale in the middle of a field, the location of which is unknown, and prepares to undertake the stunt. With the camera in slow motion, he makes an impressive start and actually manages to complete the 360-degree spin. However, he over-rotates and is not able to stick the landing, instead falling on the edge of his knees and sending the rest of his body crashing down to the floor. Unfortunately, the next part of his body to firmly meet the ground is his face, which smashes into the grassy terrain and sends a sickening recoil through his body. | DailyMail
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