Saturday, August 22, 2015

Singapore apologize misprinted banknotes

Mata uang singapura
Singapore's central bank apologized and print stickers to correct this error.

Singapore's central bank apologized after one prints the name of the country's first president in package packaging paper money printed specially for the 50th anniversary of independence.

Yusof Ishak deceased name is printed as "Yusok Isaac", reported AFP news agency.

Furthermore AFP report, Director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said, "I apologize on behalf of colleagues who worked hard to prepare and package packaging paper money, and we were very disappointed to make mistakes like this."

In addition to the cover, print errors also exist in the booklet that explains the printing of the special currency.

MAS now print stickers to cover the misprinted name that can be obtained by those who already bought the special edition of the paper money.

Besides Yusof Ishak, another character who appears in the banknote celebration of 50 years of independence it was Lee Kuan Yew, who died in March this year.

Singapore's independence is celebrated every year on August 9 after they escape from the Federation of Malaysia in 1965.

Yusof Ishak became president in Singapore in 1965-1970.
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