Saturday, July 11, 2015

Trump returned to attack US immigration policy

Trump Kembali Serang Kebijakan Imigrasi AS
Donald Trump insists on US immigration policy to bring illegal immigrants who are criminals in their home country. (Getty Images/Scott Olson)

Los Angeles - GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump met with families who lost relatives as were killed at the hands of illegal immigrants, and says that the US immigration policy allowing criminals from other countries seek refuge in the territory of the country.

"People get into this country with the dark and kill their children," Trump said in a press conference at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, Los Angeles, on Friday (10/7). "It is sad this is happening in our country."

Trump became the center of controversy after announcing himself as the GOP presidential candidates on 16 June.

In a speech at the time, Trump said the problem of illegal immigrants by claiming that many of the people who cross the border from Mexico are criminals and rapists.

In an event in Los Angeles, five people were admitted losing relatives being killed by illegal immigrants supports Trump.

They brought photos and details of family members of those killed, and said that the US immigration system allows the killer entered the country illegally, and then do not receive a prison sentence.

"What I hear is" People that work, they give donations, they have to send their children, "said Don Rosenburg whose son was killed was hit by illegal immigrants.

"And it seemed to be the reason that there was nothing they kill people."

The victim's family members who stand with Trump said he was the only presidential candidate who opposes illegal immigration.

"All members of the Republican Party who is now running, they will deceive us because they want us to think that they would strengthen the border," said Jamiel Shaw, whose son was shot dead by an illegal immigrant.

"When Trump started talking, you see how they all try to criticize. That means they will not do anything. "

Republican members as candidates Jeb Bush and Chris Christie abstain from Trump and his views on immigration.

Trump will also be addressed by the Friends of Abe, a secret organization that consists of members of the Republican Party in Hollywood.

Outside the luxury hotel it was around 100 people protesting.

"We came to tell Trump that we are not criminals and we are working hard," said Jerry Guardado, an activist.

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