Sunday, July 5, 2015

This gloomy picture of the bankrupt Greece economy

Ini Gambaran Suramnya Ekonomi si Bangkrut Yunani
Photo: Reuters

Athens - Drama debt crisis in Greece widening impact. Banks closed, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in protest.

Seeing the conditions that occurred in Greece today, in addition to the status of bankrupt, the country is also experiencing an economic depression.

Reporting from CNN, Monday (07/06/2015), the god of the country's GDP is down 25% in the last 6 years, since the country is dependent only on the debt.

Not only the GDP is down, the unemployment rate also jumped, from 10% in 2010 to 25% in March 2015 ago.

For many people, this is an option to leave the country. Greek citizen population reduced by 3% since 2010.

They are lucky to still have a job, be willing to cut his salary. Trimming the salaries of workers in Greece is the largest among the other developed countries, since 2008.

Economic conditions, making many companies out of business. Nearly 60 companies closed every day in Greece this year. Historical centers in Greece is now filled with the market.

The debate now is, Greece rejecting austerity budget, through the increase in the retirement age, which has been the cause of wasteful budget. For retired wholly borne by the state.

Greece could get new loans from Europe and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), if eligible savings in the budget. But the Greeks refused.

Pension budget is spent by Greece, most of the countries in the European Union. Although in the last 5 years, the budget has been cut pensions by 60%, to an average of 830 euros, or Rp11,6 million per month.

With high unemployment, pensions become the main income of many families in Greece. Example Konstantinos Papagerorgiou. This man does not possess a job, since graduating from college two years ago.

Papagerorgiou live with parents who have retired and live on a pension.

"Many people who are not fortunate, who have no family to help him," said Papagerorgiou.

Through the rejection of the terms of debt, the Greek government is currently shut down banks in order to prevent any large-scale withdrawal of funds. Withdrawal of funds is also limited in ATM, only 60 euros, or about Rp800 thousand / day.

Banks are open only to serve the retirees take the money. It was limited to only 120 euros, or about Rp1,6 million only withdrawal.
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