Monday, July 13, 2015

Scott Walker announces candidacy for presidency

Scott Walker (AP)

List of presidential candidates (candidates) United States (US) from the Republican Party has become rather long. On Monday (13/7), Scott Walker, officially run in 2016 presidential exchanges.

Despite the existing 14 US presidential candidate of the Republican Party, but Walker is expected to have a big enough opportunity to escape into the number one in the US. Walker will be the alternative choice in the Republican presidential dominance that has a conservative background. With the entry of Walker, then a total of 15 candidates from the Republican Party.

In the US political map, Walker, 47, was recorded as Governor of the State of Wisconsin. In the body of the Republican Party, Walker entered the ranks of the candidate that is quite championed. "The figure of Walker is a fighter who can win," said the adviser Walker.

The statement reflect on the track record of Walker in US politics, where he has three times won the election in the state in four years. He first won the state elections and qualify as Governor State of Wisconsin in 2010 and was elected again in the next period.

New Face

For the people of the United States, Walker figures deemed contrary to Jeb Bush, the current most powerful candidate of the Republican Party.

Walker is the new face of the Republican Party with a performance that always looks fit. While Bush is a former governor of the State of Florida, which is superior in every poll of Republican presidential candidates. "I think people will like Scott Walker who has a very strong leadership style, evident from what has been done in Wisconsin. Society wants a new face with executive experience. For that, he has got a great chance in this election, "said Jonathan Burkan, a fundraiser for the Walker campaign.

Even so Walker is not a flawless figure. He is seen as less experience in the field of international relations. Walker also admitted it. According to David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University, Walker needs to prove that he has learned a lot about foreign policy and national security, as many sympathizers Republicans see this as both a serious case in the 2016 US elections.

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