Sunday, June 28, 2015

Tempe is referred to as plant food happiness

Tempe Disebut Sebagai Makanan Pembangkit Rasa Bahagia
Illustration tempeh. (Banarfilardhi/Thinkstock)

Jakarta - When a bad mood coming, some people rush to food. Some choose a bowl of spicy meatballs, some are choosing a piece of soft brown.

But health experts have found some kind of food was more effective to improve the mood for the better.

Based on the conclusion of several studies mention that the bacteria that live in the human digestive influence on the mood, health experts are convinced that what we eat can affect our mood.

As reported by the Huffington Post, dietitian Rebecca Scritchfield recently stated that the basic study the relationship between digestion and mood of it in the series #OWNSHOW.

"Digestive and abdominal work as 'second brain' which communicates with the human brain. Because of this relationship, what is in your stomach can actually direct effect on feelings and emotions, "said Scritchfield.

Hence to control mood, Scritchfield advised to eat foods that contain good bacteria and healthy.

"I recommend to food called fermented foods. Some of them are very familiar with us. Namely yogurt, kefir, soy sauce, tempeh, and kimchi from Korea, "said Scritchfield.

To ensure that certain foods that contain healthy bacteria, Scritchfield advised to look at the food labels carefully.

"Especially for kefir and yogurt, you should want to know whether the bacteria contained in it are still alive or not, and whether it is active cultures," he said.

Some of the products it may simply refer to the fermentation as a marketing tool, but you have to see if it is actually fermented naturally.

In addition to eating healthy food with bacteria, you can also improve digestion by practicing: eat more fiber.

"One thing that has been known since the old kits are our digestive health will be better if we eat enough fiber," said Scritchfield. "You can get it with a healthy plant-based foods and balanced. Everything we can get from vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. "

There are also other types of food which has the same effect, such as garlic, artichokes, bananas and fruit can give the kind of healthy bacteria breed.

"In many healthy foods that we eat, a lot of fiber that we can not digest fiber, called prebiotics," said Scritchfield.

"Prebiotics will become food for our healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. So we will give them food to grow and multiply and do a good job for our bodies. " (Indonesia CNN)
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