Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Voice 'trumpet' Mysterious sounds from the sky, omen of what?

Suara 'sangkakala' misterius terdengar dari langit (YouTube)
Voice 'trumpet' mysterious sounds from the sky (YouTube)

Strange and terrible sound coming from the sky. In the form of a loud humming, deafening, irregular. Similar horror film background undoubtedly make anyone cringe to hear it. In Germany, April 4, 2015 he was even able to make a boy stunned. Unable to move was so horror.

Mysterious sounds like the trumpet or bugle that came in during the day, also at midnight. Where it comes from, is unknown. Videos recorded appearance in different parts of the world: Canada, Ukraine, United States, Germany, and Belarus for nearly one decade.

The first video was uploaded to a terrible noise YouTube in 2008. The unusual sound recording from the sky Homel, Belarus.

In the same year, an anonymous user posted sound deafening sound in a settlement believed to be in the US.

Kimberly Wookey of Terrace, British Columbia, Canada, the first record sound 'alien' is in June 2013. Later, he often record the phenomenon, and last May 7, 2015.

"On August 29, 2013 morning, around 07.30, I was awakened by the sounds horrible," he said as quoted by the Daily Mail, Tuesday (05/26/2015).

"I suddenly got out of bed, realizing it was the same voice I had ever heard before. I went straight to the camera and record it."

When Kimberly into the living room, he found his son, who was 7 years old awake. The boy who is afraid it wondering what was going on, because, it woke her voice and makes the windows shook.

When uploading the video to the virtual world and check his Facebook page, he knows that his neighbors, even in distant places, also heard similar things.

"I did not know what the hell it sounds strange," said the woman. "The voice sounded again 8 September 06.30. I got confirmation the same sound is also heard in the city and around the lake, a distance of 25 km away."

There is some speculation about the origin of the mysterious shrill. From the sensible to the sounds impossible: a shift of tectonic plates, atmospheric pressure, friction trains on the rail, construction activity, alien, US secret weapon that could modify the weather of secret facilities High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), even some that believed it was a sign of the apocalypse.

However, the mother of 4 children is not convinced that the sound is related to the phenomenon that is not scientific. "I personally do not believe it has something to do with religion, aliens, shifting plates, buggy, or construction," he said. "It could be a geophysical phenomenon."

Kimberly never contacted a local construction company to try and get answers. However, the construction call, no tools they can produce sounds as powerful as it is.

Similar voices heard in Kiev, Ukraine in August 2011. "The noise was so loud, the people within 30-40 km of the location of the recording is also heard,"

The sound was also the subject of the news, involving experts and scientists. However, there was no answer.

It is also recorded in Montana in the United States on February 18, 2012. Aaron Traylor until nightmare made.

However, Aaron was not sure, the sound was coming from train or plane. "I've lived in this neighborhood for almost 4 years and had heard all kinds of airplanes coming and going. Nobody sounds like that," he said.

One day in 2012 in Allen, Texas, the mysterious sounds make a group of people stop their activities, and looked up into the sky. "Strange, I never heard anything like it," he said.

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