American couples Steven (Ryan Phillippe) and Shannon (Rachelle Lefevre) decided to adopt a child 7 years old beautiful woman.
Both went to Puerto Rico to complete all the administrative processes needed for adoption. But the problem arises when they met Benjamin (John Cusack).
Steven and Shannon suddenly lose their new daughter and tried to report the incident kepihak local police. Not easy for them to uncover the crime and returned to the US with their adopted daughter.
Distributor: Lionsgate
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Duration: 95 minute
Producer: Gary Hamilton, Fredrik Malmberg, Silvio Muraglia
Director: Alan White
Writer: Luke Davies, Carmine Gaeta
Cast: John Cusack, Ryan Phillippe, Rachelle Lefevre, Briana Roy, Veronica Fay Foo, Luis Guzm??n, Jacki Wea