Friday, May 15, 2015

ISIS mastered the city of Ramadi in Iraq

Aparat keamanan di Ramadi
The security forces in Ramadi trying to tackle militants.

Group calling itself the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or ISIS stormed government buildings and police complex in the town of Ramadi, Iraq.

They break defense office complex after a series of car bomb attacks. There were at least six suicide car bombing and mortar attack also.

The attack began Thursday night and lasted until Friday afternoon (15/05) local time. ISIS is now black flags fluttering in the government compound.

In a statement, confirmed ISIS has mastered complex in which, among others, are the governor's office and the police headquarters. Added ISIS group killed a pro-government fighters, but it was not specified how much exact.

Warga Ramadi
Ramadi residents fled fighting between security forces and a group of ISIS.

Victory group calling itself the Islamic State of disseminated through loudspeakers in the mosques of Ramadi.

However, reports said fighting was still taking place in some locations. Ramadi is a strategic city as the capital of the largest province in Iraq, Anbar.

Fall of Ramadi became a heavy blow to the Iraqi government tried to maintain Anbar province in order not to fall into the hands of ISIS. (BBC)
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