Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Actor Salman Khan Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

Aktor Salman Khan Divonis Lima Tahun Penjara
Actor Salman Khan - (Photo: Research)

Mumbai - Salman Khan, Bollywood star actor and one of the richest in the world, was sentenced to five years in prison as a result of killing homeless in hit-and-run incident in Mumbai.

Salman was convicted over an incident in 2002, when he hit five homeless; three seriously injured and two were killed.

Prosecutors accused Salman lost control of the car Land Cruiser driven after drinking event at an upscale bar.

One sato expensive actor in Bollywood it had not lied by saying he was driving, but the driver. Mumbai court presenting witnesses who said Salman who was behind the wheel when the collision occurred.

Police also found evidence of Salman drunk and driving. He lost control and crashed into homelessness.

Salman also faces charges of negligent driving, which cause other people were killed. He was sentenced to ten years in prison, but the judge sentenced five years.

Salman could still make an appeal, which led to the case could drag on.

Salman has played in 80 films in Hindi for 27-year career. He also had a film company, and engaging in other binis.

Number of fortune estimated at 200 million US dollars.
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