Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Taylor Swift Bought a Porn Site

Taylor Swift bought a porn site (photo: google)

Taylor Swift bought some porn site domain with the name her. Apparently she did to anticipate other people who intend to create websites with pornographic content which relates to her.

Since June 2014 ago, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has indeed allow anyone to buy a domain ending in .sucks, .adult, .porn, as well as 547 other domain option.

Stuart Lawley, CEO of ICM Registry, manage domains .porn and .adult said Taylor Swift has bought the domains of adult content with her name and said that it was a smart choice. Singer hits Blank Space is buying the domain to anticipate other people who intend to make the site her with pornographic content.

In addition to Taylor Swift, Microsoft also has purchased Office.porn and Office.adult to anticipate the same thing. If you have a personal website and are afraid of things that are not desired, you can also buy this domain at a price of Rp 32 million.

(Source: Huffington Post)
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