Tuesday, March 24, 2015

'Style Fashion' Based on the Zodiac?

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This is the style of clothing that fits your zodiac (photo: google.com)

For those who believe in horoscopes or zodiac, usually we see luck, fate, until personality. But the zodiac can also affect our everyday style?

According Popsugar, zodiac really can provide some answers to accurately about our dress style, regardless we believe or do not believe in horoscopes. This is the 12 street-style that you can emulate according to your zodiac. Check this out!

1. Aries

Style you: You are creative and always look cool when going anywhere. You are not stuck with any trend, but ofetn be trensetter with your own style which often offer coherent and match at will.

2. Taurus

Your style: Taurus is very concerned with comfort, but it does not mean people taurus indifferent to appearances. You can dressy casual but unsightly and seem excessive.

3. Gemini

Your style: Gemini do not like being stuck in a signature style. What is your usual mood dependent.

4. Cancer

Your style: Cancer synonymous with classic. You are more attracted to feminine smelling clothes in colors such as taupe, red, and ivory. All that cancer is usually very simple to use and chic.

5. Leo

Your style: Leo famous with exuberant nature, full of color, and like the challenge. It was also reflected in the style of dress Leo unfettered in one type of trends and always look cheerful.

6. Virgo

Your style: Ladylike but functional. You are attracted to beautiful pieces that accentuate a little sexiness without being too over-the-top.

7. Libra

Your style: Libra is a man mix and match. You can look super feminine in one day, as well as the use of menswear on the next screen. Libra tend to like the classic style but do not forget to add extra stuff in every appearance.

8. Scorpio

Your style: Focus and efficient. Scorpio is very concise and simple in dress, but by no means so look boring.

9. Sagittarius

Your style: Structured and feminine. You like bright colors, and there has never been the type of print that you do not like.

10. Capricorn

Your style: Simple but sopistichated. You like to dress up and look to 'wow'. Capricorn tend classic style with a twist.

11. Aquarius

Your style: Aquarius is very innovative, colorful, and fun. You never dressed for others to see, so do not be afraid to experiment.

12. Pisces

Your style: one word for Pisces, bohemian! Pisces nature of soft, flowing, and sexy reflected in the clothes smelling vintage and bohemian.
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