Saturday, March 21, 2015

5 Missed prediction of Reality

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These are predictions that never come true (photo: Buzzoop)

Predicting the future has been done for centuries. There are predictions that come true, but not infrequently also the prediction misses.

Prediction of the future is not only done by psychic or scientific. Mama Laurent, but also in all fields, such as the direction of economic growth, technology, fashion, trends, and so forth. Here are some predictions from time to time that does not become a reality until now.

1. The Beatles did not have a future in the music industry. - Decca Records Executive For Brian Epstein, 1962.

The reality: The Beatles became one of the greatest bands of all time and a legend to this day.

2. The Internet will die simultaneously in 1996. - Robert Metcalfe, 1995

The reality: We are even now live in the world of the Internet and digital.

3. The phone has too many defects and shortcomings as a means of communication - William Orton, 1876

The reality: the rapidly growing phone from a landline, wireless, to mobile phones and smartphones, became the biggest means of communication used by humans.

4. On the next Christmas, the iPod will die and disappear from circulation. - Alan Sugar, 2005

The reality: Apple becomes one of the biggest companies and the iPod have regenerated to its fifth series.

5. The world would end in 2012

The reality: We've entered the third month in 2015, and many of the singles roam freely, safe, and prosperous. Including you not?
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