Friday, February 27, 2015

Indonesia Fashion Week 2015

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Indonesia Fashion Week 2015 (Photo: Google)

Mat Indonesia Fashion Week 2015 has opened on February 26 at the Jakarta Convention Center yesterday.

The largest fashion event in Indonesia, which is regularly held every year will take place from February 26 to March 1 next yesterday. Indonesian Fashion Week is an event designers, fashion entrepreneurs, craftsmen clothing and accessories to show off the work of spectacular.

Held at the Jakarta Convention Center, South Jakarta, IFW 2015 featuring 750 exhibitors. According to Head of Production IFW 2015, Sofie, all participants performed at IFW featuring the works of international quality with a local flavor.

Not only from Jakarta, fashion week which was originally initiated by the Association of Fashion Designers and Entrepreneurs is also enlivened by the participants from outside Java, such as Sumatra to West Nusa Tenggara. Besides batik fabric and weaving beauty that characterizes the Indonesian clothing, there is also an international fashion creations.

A number of famous designers also scheduled to hold a fashion show their latest garments, such as Anne Avantie, Ivan Gunawan, until the Japanese designer, Steven Tach. IFW is expected to be the center of Asia's leading fashion and beauty increasingly introducing Indonesian clothes into the international arena.

Well, if you are interested in coming to the IFW, please go directly to the Jakarta Convention Center. The show ran until March 1!
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