Thursday, February 26, 2015

Contract Video 'Thriller' Michael Jackson Auction

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Video Clips Thriller (photo:

Although the figure of the King of Pop was dead but his work continues to be a valuable heritage, as well as this one story about a contract one of its clip auctioned for hundreds of millions.

The world is not going to ever be able to forget the figure of Michael Jackson who has left his fans. Until now, only a lot of belongings from the King of Pop continues to be hunted by his fans. Even though they do not care about having to spend deep to get it.

Recently, one of the valuable items associated with Michael Jackson is in the form of a contract. This letter was a very unique and rare for the fans as it contains contract Thriller video clip.

A contract between the parties of MJ is Optimim Production by the Screen Actors Guild will be auctioned by Nate D. Sanders Auction on February 26, 2015, it is reported from Broadway World (25/2). When MJ sign a contract that is in Los Angeles on October 10, 1983.

In this letter contains about payment issues for multiple actors involved in the Thriller video that time, the work of Jackson won Best Video Album Grammy Award in 1984.

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